kable zgorzelec pomiary elektryk fotowoltaika -rozdzielnic elektrycznych SN i nn, -stacji transformatorowych, -oświetlenia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego (podstawowe oraz awaryjne wraz z dedykowana iluminacją budynków), -instalacji uziemiających , odgromowych oraz połączeń wyrównawczych, -przyłączy zasilających wewnętrznych, zewnętrznych oraz napowietrznych SN i nn, -zasilania placów budowy, -systemów sygnalizacji pożaru (SSP), -instalacji oddymiania, -dźwiękowych systemów ostrzegawczych (DSO), -systemów sygnalizacji włamania i napadu (SSWiN), -instalacji kontroli dostępu (KD), -instalacji telewizji dozorowej (CCTV), -instalacji okablowania strukturalnego (LAN). Jesteśmy dystrybutorem wszelkich materiałów instalacyjnych: elektrotechnicznych , teletechnicznych ale też posiadamy asortyment z branży sanitarnej i AKPiA. Współpracujemy z największymi producentami i importerami w kraju i za granicą, dzięki czemu możemy zaoferować naszym klientom niskie ceny oraz szybką dostawę. Chętnie zajmujemy się trudnymi tematami i pomagamy rozwiązywać problemy techniczne, dzięki swojemu pionowi wykonawczemu jesteśmy w stanie dostarczać materiały wraz z usługą oraz gotowym projektem lub rozwiązaniem. bogatynia lubań zawidów pieńsk

meaning What is the difference between S’ and ‚S? English Language Learners Stack Exchange

Opublikowane przez Samuel w dniu

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But if we also mention their last name ending in S, we add an apostrophe and S because it’s singular. A rounded form appeared in the Chalcidian alphabet, and from this it was taken into Latin. Etruscan had no rounded form, but it appears in Umbrian and Faliscan. In England in the 17th century a looped form was introduced, and this is occasionally still seen in handwriting when followed by another s. There was a Greek minuscule form c of the 9th century ce, and this may be the source both of the Cyrillic c and of the lunate sigma used in some fonts of modern Greek type. It also commonly represents a voiced alveolar sibilant /z/, as in ‚rose’ and ‚bands’.

  1. New York University professor and historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat told The Guardian this week that she is still on X, but is concerned about having a possible Trump administration member running the platform after January.
  2. However, if the family name is in plural form, we only add an apostrophe.
  3. One will often see /s used at the end of an online comment or SMS text message to denote that the message is sarcastic.
  4. New Zealand’s Treaty of Waitangi is a document signed by the colonial British regime and 500 Māori chiefs in 1840 that enshrines principles of co-governance between Indigenous and non-Indigenous New Zealanders.
  5. The current form of the English word sarcasm has been used since the 1610s.

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Second only to the use of the Oxford comma, the creation of possessives for words ending in S and the S sound is one of the most hotly debated grammar topics in the English language. The plural possessive is used when we want to talk about something The Smith family own such as “The smiths’ house”. They are now generally adopted, and the type founders scarcely ever cast a long s to their fonts, unless particularly ordered. The shape of Latin S arises from Greek Σ by dropping one out of the four strokes of that letter. In other Italic alphabets (Venetic, Lepontic), the letter could be represented as a zig-zagging line of any number between three and six strokes. In Etruscan, the value /s/ of Greek sigma (𐌔) was maintained, while san (𐌑) represented a separate phoneme, most likely /ʃ/ „sh” (transliterated as ś).

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It is difficult to know how many users X has since it is now a private company and has not shared recent usage data. However, analytics firm Exploding Topics estimates it had about 611 million active monthly users as of April. X CEO Linda Yaccarino alpari review posted Wednesday that „X usage is at an all-time high and continues to surge.” Graber posted Friday that the platform is growing by 10,000 users every 10 to 15 minutes. There are also many different words that mean the opposite of sarcasm.

Apostrophe s with first names(Chris,James)

In these sentences, the lone apostrophe after the s shows that the nouns are in plural formal. Therefore “salmons’s,” “houses’s,” and “candles’s” indicate incorrect apostrophe usage. Looking back in history doesn’t help settle the matter either, as the correct use of the apostrophe has always been ambiguous. The word apostrophe first appeared around 1580–90, stemming from the Greek word apostroph? Once it started to be used to show ownership, however, there was never any consensus as to how it should be done properly, and we live with that legacy today. The issue isn’t as cut and dried as some grammar rules, such as what punctuation is used to end a declarative sentence.

Most say possessive words should generally read as you would speak them. In the example above, the “a” in “am” has been omitted and the way that we show this in writing is by using an apostrophe. Some of them are also affecting U.S. start-ups, including a paucity of I.P.O.s and sales that allow employees to cash out and venture capital firms to realize profits. Of course, it’s easy to mistake f and ſ and get a congreffional feffion. When we read old documents, it shows up everywhere, in handwriting and in print, and it can be really confuſing. We know the river is not the Miffiffippi, but when you see Miſſiſſppi, it sure looks like a bunch of f’s.

When it comes to historical proper names or those found in the Bible, however, there is another rule many choose to follow. So let’s take a look at some of the various approaches people take when addressing this possessive. The reason why we use an apostrophe in a contraction is to show that there are missing letters that should be there if the word was not made into a contraction. In the examples above “they’ve” is the short form of “they have”, “we’ll” is “we will” and “What’s” is “What is”. We also use the apostrophe to show that we have omitted a letter or several letters in a word.

The further back you go, the less reliable the rules are- don’t expect strict adherence to the rules, particularly before the late 1800’s. Even today, Ye Olde Shoppes of Germany will post signs using old-timey writing, including the long s. These rules do not cover all cases and in some corner cases, multiple variants can be found. For example, „my son’s toys” will be „the toys that how to use the accelerator oscillator belong to my son”. A dancer’s powwow clothing is typically created by their family to reflect their interests and lineage, according to the Smithsonian, with many incorporating family heirlooms.

This comes from sarx which is the genitive sarkos meaning flesh or piece of mean. The word sarcasm comes from the Proto-Indo-European root twerk or tuerk meaning to cut, which is also the source of the Avestan thwares meaning to cut. The current form of the English How to buy icp token word sarcasm has been used since the 1610s. While other languages may not necessarily use /s to denote sarcasm, many other languages do contain words that mean sarcasm. If you are traveling, knowing how to say that a comment you made is sarcastic is very useful in avoiding conflict with native speakers. This list of translations for the word sarcasm is provided by Word Sense.

Plural nouns that end in s

In vision and other words ending in -sion, the s, provided it is not doubled, has the voiced sound /zh/, and it has a similar sound in such words as pleasure and leisure. Regardless of the rest of the unique look, dancers will always include a type of headgear, which the museum said could be anything from a war bonnet or headdress to a ribbon or band. As a result, large numbers of people were forced to move and two tribal traditions emerged, the Drum Religion and the Grass Dance. The Smithsonian said these were considered precursors to the modern powwow. The word „powwow” comes from pau wau, or „medicine man,” in Narrtick, which is a language spoken by the Algonquian people in Massachusetts. In Indigenous culture, a powwow is a ceremonial gathering that typically includes traditional music and dancing, according to the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage.

Taking traditions from another tribe’s powwow is considered disrespectful. The regalia worn for a traditional Native American powwow has strong cultural significance. As a way to both stay together and bring their culture to other Native American tribal members in their new homes, the Plains people used the powwow.

We usually use this structure with the words “the” before it when referring to an entire family. This debate usually comes up with proper nouns that already end in s. Singular and plural possessives are just the names of nouns that also show possession by using an apostrophe. Some nouns are irregular in English and do not end in s like children, men, and women. The minuscule form ſ, called the long s, developed in the early medieval period, within the Visigothic and Carolingian hands, with predecessors in the half-uncial and cursive scripts of Late Antiquity.

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